So what did you do today?

I had the most interesting IT lesson ever today at school…
We learned all kinds of new things I never knew about before. Like formatting a floppy. We all got to touch one :beam: and even format it ourselves… Thank god no one accidentally right-clicked drive C instead of A when starting formatting. We also found out what “properties” means. (You know that mysterious at the bottom when you right-click a drive).
Plus we also even got to check the disk for errors by scanning it. That was really awesome. I want to do it again some time soon. What a pity that those blue error-screens with “press any key” text on them kept popping up all the time during scanning but fortunately it didn’t happen to me.
Excited already? There’s MORE!
We learned to use Windows Explorer!!!
That is the most wonderful things I’ve ever seen. You can browse the folders, make new ones, delete files… it’s so very interesting.
First we made some folders on the disk, then we copied files from the computer onto the disk with Windows Explorer.

So I just hope you all had as much as fun as I did :wink:

[SIZE=1][COLOR=silver]note: if somebody didn’t get it I was being sarcastic[/COLOR][/SIZE]

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Actually this new one is still at Churchill, so you don’t have to worry about losing the dog thing just yet (I know how much you love it). :slight_smile:

I’m going to find out all the details tomorrow, but it involves testing websites… They want an Administrator for the whole testing shebang, and this guy just asked me today if I wanted the job.

He did sound kinda desperate, I have to admit. :slight_smile: But we shall see. It could be most interesting…

In which case, anyone want a job as Web Developer for the Nodding Dog? I can put in a good word… :wink: **

You want to do testing? do you get to still hands on or not.

I hate having to admin the testing. They just moved our servers and I had to co-ordinate 1500+ test scripts the past couple of weeks euch

My day today was made up of sleep,school for 8 hrs then sleep and then to watch tv till 5

well today in my AP Comp Sci class I was taught that it is bad to use cascading style sheets when designing web pages because CSS only works with Internet Explorer and you should make you web pages accessible to everyone.

…and people call teachers heros?

lol Syko, I’ve had college courses like that.

Queit everyone!

I said shsssssssssssh

Ah there it goes.
toilet flushing billmarrs money