This is my first flash site.
It’s almost complete except content of some sections.
I want to know what do you think about
Thanks in advance
This is my first flash site.
It’s almost complete except content of some sections.
I want to know what do you think about
Thanks in advance
huh… it reminds me of windows… lol.
its a nice design i think. why not make the buttons draggable… and… worka little more in the content pop’s…
is there a reason it takes an eon to load the splash page?
or have we got a loose connection somewhere?
sorry, it’s way too slow for me to check atm… I’ll come back later
i loved the splash page, really clean and simple. i think the site was welldone, but it does look like windows. also, i think you should let the person choose between a popup or new window. i really think anyone who wants to do a popup site should do this, but that’s just my opinion. anyways, the site works great.
I didn’t design specially as windows. My aim was to simulate an OS. Computers are more than nothing without operating systems as internet would be more than nothing without well designed sites. That’s the reason i choosed an OS like design.
But i didn’t understand what Replode meant with “also, i think you should let the person choose between a popup or new window. i really think anyone who wants to do a popup site should do this, but that’s just my opinion.”. May be my Egnlish is insufficient. ;).
ok, i finally got it working. it’s pretty cool.
great work for your first flash site. very impressive.
I dont like the colour scheme really… could be a bit brighter.
nice work
i’ll try different colours later. I’m planning to let the user set custom colour while visiting site and to reload that colour (by help of cookies ) when re-visits the site.
Thank you
welldone. clear, but sometimes I dont jko if Click or double click.
Other way very nice first flash site.
sorry i wasnt clear, but like on a splash page, there would be 2 links, one would activate the popup, and the other would activate the new window. just a suggestion.
My current hosting pack doesn’t support ASP and i use some ASP features in my site (visitor count and e-mal List). I solved the problem temporarily by putting the files to one of my friends hosting ( That’t the reason why i use a pop-up. (I hide the address bar). When i move to a windows hosting provider site will load at the same window.
The only thing I liked about this site is the color scheme, the concept isn’t really original because I’ve seen a few similar sites with this OS concept. I have to say that it’s one of the better ones I’ve seen with the OS concept, the others were okay.
The text on the splash page is a bit blurry and it’s not even made with flash which is surprising because usually blurry text appear commonly with the use of flash.
Overall it’s nicely put together.
Yeah, I agree with the Double-Click issue. In traditional OS environments, yes, people are used to double-clicking to perform most actions, but people still know they’re on the internet when they visit your site, and with that in mind, they’re going to want to single-click on everything they can. If you need a pop-up box to tell them otherwise, it’s usually a red flag that the interface might need adjusting.
Also, the splash screen says an 800x600 monitor resolution is required, yet the Enter button is well below 600 pixels. You might want to bring that up a bit, if you want to truly serve the 800x600 community. (I’m in said community for now, as I’m on a very old PC at the moment.) And when the popup loads, its borders run just off the top and bottom edges of my screen, omplying that I may be missing something. It’s better to advertise a slightly larger viewing area, accounting for little quirks like that. I’m sure 2 or 3 pixels off the top and bottom would improve that, without hindering the design.
Sorry for all the negative feedback. I like all the options your site provides, and the OS feel will make many users much more comfortable than many other Flash sites out there, mine included.
ahh… nice…
However, the site is pretty plain. i would improve the graphics make it more smooth. Add like a shine. for example their menu.
I would have the icons movable. Don’t you know how to do that? You can find the drag tutorial here at kirupa OR
Have different wallpapers so i can change it.
It looks too much like windows try to expreiment. Check out they have put windows and macos together. May inspire you.
i modified the splash screen. I think it’s better now.
Yeah the text is a lot clearer than before.
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
The only thing I liked about this site is the color scheme, the concept isn’t really original because I’ve seen a few similar sites with this OS concept. I have to say that it’s one of the better ones I’ve seen with the OS concept, the others were okay.
i have to agree with this statement. your site- while great for your first flash site- is incredibly generic. try creating something that will cause the visitor to see a uniqueness, a warmth of personal touch; since to me this site seems quite sterile in its presentation.
yup - im no great fan of pop ups - fix that if you come across a better sever… and no great fan of owner’s cursors too… i hate seing line disapear…
i think there is too much space used for nothing… like in windows not enough interactivity and speed…
if you enhance it it’ll be good tho !
make it so that you can change the quality
because it is really going slow on my pc
Thank you for comments.
I made some modifications at my site :
nice splash.
make everything single click.
get rid of the minimize and maximize areas on the pop ups.
i really like what you’ve done.
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