Site Critique please\r\ri just made the layout today…tell me what you think\rthx

Excellent work.\r\rSince you probably want something you can use, I’ll be critical and point out that the tables could probably be cleaner, more organised and more seperated…

What should I do with the mid portion of it, how should I lay it out? It looks kind of sloppy as of now

The problem with the middle is that you’ve got light grey boxes with rounded boxes inside of them when their should just be rounded boxes. Know what I mean? Like the “Headlines” part?\r\rI don’t know anything about Dreamweaver (I believe you said you used that earlier in the Random thread…), so this might be different for you, but if I was making the site with HTML I’d just use Photo Shop or Paint Shop or one of those things and just change the unneeded box behind in to the dark grey you used on the background.\r\rAlso, the titles (Music, This Week’s Headlines stuff) aren’t the same width as their content.\r\rEverything needs to follow your subtle theme of rounded rectangles, or at least more so. Instead of just having the middle be a big grey box you should round of its edges, too. Seperate it from the top and the sides with black lines like the “Headlines” section and round off the corners.\r\rThe sides should connect with the title, too. Look closely. See what I mean? The logo isn’t as wide as the content. Make the logo wider and put black lines along the sides so that it connects. Lesse if I can explain this with ASCII art…:\r\rRight now it’s like this:\r(Legend:\rO = empty space\r- and | = black lines\r. = insinuated borders through colour change.\r\rO|-----|O\rO|…|O\rO|-----|O\r…\r.O.OOO.O.\r.O.OOO.O.\retc.\r\rWhen it should be:\r|---------|\r|OOOOOO|\r|---------|\r-----------\r|O|OOO|O|\r|O|OOO|O|\retc.\r\rTen bucks says that didn’t make a lick of sense. If you don’t have a clue what I’m talking about, tell me and I’ll make slightly less crude images with a paint program or something.\r\rDid any of that make sense?

Everything but your diagram,lol

Figured as much.\r\rWell… Did you understand the explanation before the diagram?\r\rBecause that’s all I was trying to illustrate with it…