Site Critique

Here is what I got so far, I got help with the nav system from a member of Kirupa, I had it in place, but it wasn’t working correctly (wouldn’t fade out 100% of the time) so he helped me out with improving the AS…but other then that…this is the interface i have come up with so far…


Not bad, looks pretty clean and simple. Too bad you don’t have any content on there. :smirk:

i like it.

I like the simplicity. Only 1 question tho. Why use popups to
load another flash movie? seems a bit unnecessary.


i’m working…the content will be there…school is hectic…

i spend the 5 free minutes a week i have on this site…

i could put all the flash into one page…but i want it to be relatively quick loading…sorta like flash accents…i still want it to have the look and feel of an HTML page…


very simple, but pretty nice. kinda, minimalistic :stuck_out_tongue: