This is my fist full flash site, id love some feed back
its not open yet to public viewing as i have not finished it completely, its bad i’ve almost finished this one and i’m thinking of the second version already.
Please tell me what you think.
too much old english. it’s a display font, meaning for signs and even titles, but not for headers on a webpage.
the frame rate needs to be bumped up to around 45 or 60.
other than that it’s just too sparse. it seems like minimalism without aesthetic research.
it has potential, but it needs to get cleaned up and unified.
Just make the framerate about 30.
I don’t see a need for a forum. The red stuff in upper left corner; I’d put something similar in the bottom right to fill out the site a little bit. And the music opening in a new window is a bad idea i think. If you click audio while the music is already playing, a new window pops up playing music so they overlap. I think it would better suit you to move it into the site; it would fill out your site a little more.
the text is not attractive
the image under “Enter” is something that i dont understand
appears stale.
not bad…just some minor tweaks but very good for your first full flash site…
I agree that old english font is used too much. Not bad for titles but you’ve used it everywhere as titles, maybe need an alternative
maybe need some more…oompphh. by that I think I mean animation, colours, just something to make the site more alive. Nothing big but just some more reason for having it as flash.
not sure you need the music (in fact I wouldn’t have it) but if you really really want to then I would take it out of the pop up, rethink the interface and just have it in the site
agree with defective about your frame rate, try at 30
not bad though :thumb: