Site menu ! - navigation -

I whant to creat a site similar to
kan somebody tell me how to creat that navigation menu the use in imagedive ? when i press like “- About-” then the main gos up and the about menu gos rolling from down to up with other options to choos !
is it done with actionscript ?
hmm well is there a tutortials about this ? if so please give me the url or tell me how to do it !

thanx dudes


this is 50% actionscript and 50% pre-made motions with buttons…

the pre-made symbols are out of sight below the menu, then the buttons calls the symbol that belongs to the button, and that symbol will crawl up… also, all the buttons will tell the non-used symbols to stay down or go down…

thats what i think… maybe some usefull info…

so using action scrip we creat the animation of the moving symbols that the buttons are kalling !
how kan i creat that animation using actionscript that will roll it up On press ?
Is it pussible with just animation without actionscript ?

  • tell me some tips * :scream:

i think its something like this:

thanx dude !

this is great !

this is similer to what i whant but i will try to creat 100 % same as the site have LOL


thank you very mcuh man this helpt me !:tie:

anythin for co-flashers :wink:

nice code RvGaTe! thanks for putting the fla up, I actually understood it (reflection of my denseness, not you).:slight_smile: