Site of the Week!

Hey everyone,
Here is this week’s SoTW. Voting and/or critiques is optional, though they do help the people who submit sites get feedback from us :slight_smile:

Kirupa :ub:


Nice simple site. Dont like the fly out menus on the left and right, very hard to read. effects are cool, consistant throught the site.

ok this is original, i have never seen this show or heard of it, so this is totally new to me, i watched a few vids , stupid funny stuff. layout is original, site works well with topic.

3d nirvana:

i expected a little more design within the site. the nav is straight-forward but i dislike the way the navigation is replaced with a home button, so for me to go to another section i will have to click twice. Also there seems to be a bug when you go back from a section, it seems like the site restarts. Content within the site is good, but presentation is poor, type is not justified and it gives it a messy feel.

With that said, he had mentioned that he has not updated the site for a while, but in its current state, not fit for site of the week.


Strange splash page, no indication that one was a contact and the others were to enter the site. Simplisitic site is cool though its a little too minimal. Nice to see morse learning 3d, the fun section represents that and i really like that images called “prison” and “thing”. Something i thought could of been added to the gallery would of been a back button, the more button takes you so far until you cant go no more, which i thought was kinda final.

what a cool site, main navigation is fresh and suprisingly not hard to work with, really like the ruler concept.

Portfolio section continues with the fresh concepts, a very cool and original way to show your work. and i absolutely love the way the image selection menu changes with every selection, thats amazing! images are a little pixelated due to the movement effect he was trying to achieve, but i dont mind so much because of its cool effect.
Same applies for the rest of the sections as the same style is consistant throughout.


Nice site, i really like the clean look to this and water effect is pretty cool, not as realistic as i’ve seen but still works. Layout is sound and so is the content.


wow! the teaser is fast yet easy to see whats going on and has a really nice flow to it.

the full tour intro is amazing, i have not seen anything like that before, the site itself is clean and informative, music and sound effect work great together. nice work!


A nice concept but sadly not implemented as well as it could been. Navigation gets lost in the background and so does some of the content elements of the site.


Nice design, i was a little confused with the navigation once i was in a section, until i found that menu button. design and motion effects work well. nice site.


link not working for me?


it is between andreit and sixtailer.

sixtailer motion graphics are amazing, i really like the site and the intros but i selected andreit, because the site is fun to travel around in, very innovative,easy to navigate, it has some great effects and implemented very nicely.

great work everyone.:thumb:

AHHHHH! A dreaded tie! If nobody else votes by tomorrow, we will have “double winners” for this week :stuck_out_tongue:

lol :lol:

they both deserve to win, but im sure someone has not voted yet.

Yeah both of the sites that are in the lead deserve to win for sure :smiley:

Great write up .soulty couldnt have said it better myself :thumb:

thanks mate;)

i think we should make this winners for a two week period, if there arent any votes, give one week to andreit and then the other to sixtailer, this is if there is no more votes.

We’ve had double winners before, so it’s ok to have them both be winners for the same week. Having each winner for a week would set the SOTW back by a week, and it can’t be delayed any further haha :slight_smile:

yeah thats right, you have had double winners before… lol… cool;)

Hellboy: never loaded
teodesign: don’t go fullscreen on me without me selecting it!
what’s the right arrow (a bit distracting as moving constantly) for…?
“close” btn to get menu back too hidden, make navigation easy!
very good looks, nice and clean, but didn’t like the functionality
davidnetk: leave my browser alone!
i didn’t even bother with this site, because as soon as the fullscreen shot me it’s “do you want to paste stuff from the clipboard” alert, and neither yes nor no would close that, I had to ctrl alt sup to close all browsers and that really got you a BIG thumbs down! no idea what was in there…
sixtailer: very professional, but a bit too… dunno… splashy? well executed, but boring, it’s not a site, it’s a commercial/ prod tour…
dro: beautiful site, nice sound, interesting animations, too many pop-ups, bad! contact form (1st check only on content, and then works by submitting the error message, no feedback)
andreit: this site looks really good, only a bit too pale greyish for my likes, the 1st time i visited the guestbook, I got a flash max exec timeout warning on signing the guestbook, was ok on 2nd try; menu a bit hard to get hold of sometimes, but it is a very nice site!
morse: (sorry but) stupid splash page, why’s the bear a mail link and the other stuff the site entrance??? explain?
it looks ok, but way too small! the header/nav part is bigger than the content!
needs work. nice slide-in fx tho’ :wink:
3d nirv: boring, unprofessional, 1 unnecessary click to get the navigation back, just keep it visible.
aveceva: looks good, but again like so many other grey/metal/white-styled sites, nice touch of color here and there, but too few; toggle sound should pause it, not restart every time! lacks content still, but good start.
jam: fun, works, voted! i like british humour, here’s one for ya, kit’ :slight_smile:

Sorry not to break the tie, but I think with 9 votes out of 20 more or less, it wouldn’t be fair to close this poll already; do we not send out reminders anymore like rennie? kit? used to…?

Ok - I’ll send all of the mods an e-mail :slight_smile: I don’t want to make it a habit of sending the mods an e-mail for voting though. Voting is voluntary. 9 votes is actually a voting all-time high for the past few months haha.

yeah… mea culpa too… but it’s not 1/2 of the mods…

I sent all of the mods an e-mail. I’ll wait about 12 hours or so and update the SOTW later this evening :slight_smile:

I voted 2 days ago :stuck_out_tongue:

nanny-nanny-boo-boo! :P:P

and I voted Sixtailer :beam:

you know i voted :wink: