Site Promotion!

Does anyone know about good site promotion. The tutorial is not very helpfull, does anyone know a website or tutorial that kinda goes through it? If there is any information that can be helpful, shoot it here!.

         -The Drunken Koala

what tutorial are you talking about? A good way to increase traffic is to have a good site and win an award for it. Then your traffic will increase like crazy…

I am talking abou the:
Its a good tutorial but it dosent explain alot of things and keeps the suggetions very general without really explaining how some things are done…
And my website is not the greatest, its ok. No flash gizmoz all over, so I wont win any awards, I just want to increase traffic.
Anything? <- my site

-The Drunken Koala

The paintings are beautiful. Nice work there. I envy anyone that can paint in water colors. I have done a few things in oil, but they never turn out right…

Anyway… I’m not really sure how to optimize traffics. There might be an award for personal art sites. The best thing to do would be to just advertise yourself. Post flyers and such for your paintings… Word of mouth is usually the best way to get yourself noticed…

Ok gothca, thx…but umm… those ARE oil…!

oh yeah I know. :slight_smile: I saw that, but I am more impressed by the watercolors :slight_smile: The oils are amazing too, but I was specifically refering to this image:
