Site redesign check

Hi i am re designing my flash site because it is abit outdated and old now… well this is what i have so far, the contents part and the way it will load up the pages… it isnt much but i thought it would be good to see what you guys/girls think about it. say what ever about it.

and yes i am aware that the host is really bad and full of adds, but it is a make do with host for testing purposes.

also would some of you be able to tell me the kind of loading times you are getting and at what connection speed. :smiley:

well i think the layout has promise, its quite teccy looking… i dont like the colour effects that you have going on! looks a bit like a lizard skin or something

load times are fine

i never understand why people love using the bevel effect? Do they want to show off that they know how to click 3 buttons in photoshop to display that effect? Not only does it look cruddy, it just screams “I just read a tutorial and learned this”. Not to put you down viper, but please dont use bevel unless you know what you are doing, i.e. pixel beveling is sometimes cool.
