thanx to a lot of cool people at this site I think I got the basics loading right.
It took some time, but I feel a lot better about loading the music. Usually I would get a pause before it would kick in - loading them as separate movies and running them through Flix for compression
This site is okay, the color scheme isn’t my taste, but that’s just me. I thought it was a little bit too bright and made it hard for me to focus on your content after 5 min of contantly looking at it.
The over all layout is okay, but I think more detail could of been added. Also the shape tween transition when you click on “cuts” is nice, too bad the rest of the sections didn’t have a similar kind of transition.
It’s a good start, but I think more work could be put in. :-\
Oh if it’s a site for client then it shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks besides the client. If they want it to be neon green with purple dots all over then you give it to them. I’m sure you know this already, but the client is always right.
As for the loading, everything loaded pretty quick on my DSL connection so that’s good. =)
looks good, the color does make reading a bit hard, I have seen a silmilar car thing on another site where they had the front wheels as a separate mc so that they would “compress” on the landing . . . all-in-all, very nice
Only thing I noticed is that on the intro, during the sound loop there is a little popping noise when the song ends and then loops. Far from major, but it was just a little something I noticed.
on the bouncing car. you should separate the wheels and the car itself. So it’ll look more realistic when it bounces. I see you got that idea from
=) It’s nice nonetheless
NIIIICE vector art. Your pause button on hte sound thing does not work. Also it is too big it is like the main focus of your site right now. Takes away from the info. Speed up transitions a wee bit. Also make some thing happen in the cityscape sometimes like a random animation. It is way too cool to just sit there. All in all cool site me likes 2 thumbs up. Just noticed the bouncing car…that animation looks cheesy. Make the wheel independant of the chasis…Or lose the animation. totally brings the site down.
Very nice site indeed. I liked the fact that it wasn’t gray [I’m getting sick of the gray thing]! The colors you chose seem to work just fine [IMHO].
I personally think you have all the elements in place; you just need to do a bit of tweaking now.
The loop at the very beginning of the site [With the skip button] isn’t looping very well. It’s easy to fix and annoying to leave.
I would change the font for the buttons [Home, about, cuts…]. They just seem lifeless compared to the rest of the site. I think making them stand out a bit more would be a good move too. You could choose a slightly more vibrant color without messing up your existing style.
The loop for the Scoreboard popup doesn’t loop properly either.
The animation for the site over all is a bit on the slow side. What FPS are you at??
How about adding some slightly more adventures rollovers than you have now?
The text just slides in. If you spent a bit of time, you could do some very creative text animations.
Giving the buildings a bit of movement every now and then might also add to the experience too?
sorry it took me a minute, had some troubles with the computer - (virus)
FPS is at 18
I am slowly but surely adding more to the site, but the feedback is always great to get especially after you have been staring at the computer screen for days at a time.
I had a great couple of guys here helping me with the sound problems I had.
The looping effects I will check into, not sure how to fix it though - any suggestions?- or is that an adjustment I would have to make on the last keyframe of the animation.
I plan to have the cityscape change with every button press so I do agree that should be more happening. Will work on Better buttons as well.
The text sliding in - good point I will work on that.
Thanx to everyone who added some cents - much appreciated.
Much love to all the Flashers out there trying their best to upset the conventional ways of designing!!