hello folks!
i redesigned http://www.djfatlace.com and now need some feedback…
any additional ideas?
thanks in advance
hello folks!
i redesigned http://www.djfatlace.com and now need some feedback…
any additional ideas?
thanks in advance
looks good clean & simple… The colors of the chick on the pic could use some modifications though
hm don’t know but i think there’s something been missin… no ideas what it could be?
I like it alot as well but I would agree the pic could use some adjustments that would help the site look a lot better .
i like it but it just does not seem balanced and energetic. Which I think would go well with the subject matter.
what you would change? it’s not energetic right… thats whats missing in my eyes…
crap I was hoping v2 of this site was still up but it is not
I think it is your color usage. Monotone is usually a calming choice in most instances. Usually energy is protrayed by vivid and contrasting colors. Add some glows too. look at those sites I posted, while not the ideal color scheme soon as you enter you get the vibration of energy and music…well i do.
A good example would be to get a better girl image. Maybe one with a girls in motion…blur it a bit. Maybe a picture of a girl at a club dancing. Introduce more colors that way and make it less static. That picture looks like a drivers license photo.
hm i play with the colors now and take another image… anyone else any ideas? site links?
http://oliver.webnetix.cc/test/layout2.jpg << how about this??
thanks for your feedback
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