[ site re-design | please give advice ]

Hi ppl, could u please have a look, not quite completed yet, but ur input is welcome.

[| here it is ]](http://www.arkgms.com)

unusual choice of colors but i like it. also like the transitions.

the bottom two bars “ARK” and the music seem a little out of place since everything else has a drop shadow

thanx…wanted to use colours ppl don’t usually use, glad u like it

wow. i’m impressed. very cool site. great transions. very nice clean look. nice use of the pixel fonts. (i can never get them the way i want) everthing is just :A+:

one more thing. as i looked at the site more i relized that i’m not to keen on the music. just my taste i guess. :trout:

its crazy hot man simple and just hot!!1

but…(theres always a but lol)

i think it needs some life to it, like good img in the bg or i dunno add some bangs and whistles and yur good.

yea very simple but clean site, maybe some more sounds like when you rollover buttons…

:nerd: thanx guys :stuck_out_tongue: glad u liked it, gonna work on the music, was trying to get some off Flashkit but anyone have any suggestions for another place that has good sound loops?

Interesting layout and the transitions are cool. The only thing I don’t like is how the outer edges of the site aren’t aligned. Everything is so linear so it just feels wierd that the outer edges aren’t aligned to for a rectangle.

thanx. not sure what u mean about the outer edges not being aligned :q: i know that the left side panel is not aligned properly with the bottom part of the frame outline. but i will have another look, got more wk to do on it…thanx again