
I’m am wondering what is too big for a flash site size. I fear the site I am working on is becoming too heavy. I use a cable modem myself so its hard to judge what its going to be like on a dial up.



Break your site up into smaller swf’s that are only used when called. This will help keep the file size down.

As for size it’s hard to say. My bluprint site is about 277KB but some photography sites I have done are bigger.
It all depends on the content. The more you have the bigger it gets.

I TRY and keep them lower than 300 KB if I can.

i think up to 1m size, i will wait to see what it will be,
but more than that, i just leave:beam: :beam:

1 mb is a lot for a flash site, Kel is right, you should split your site up into seperate swfs and have preloaders for each one.

I think I went a little overboard then, I was hoping to add a really complex swift animation to my site but i think it will make it to big for most peoples patients

thanks for your comments
