Alrite, so here is what I’m trying to accomplish in Flash and have no idea how to do it…mind you, im kinda new to Flash (understand all basics, but havent gone into too much detail)…anyway:
I have a button that i want the user to be able to click, where consequently a sliding menu pops out with images that the user is able to select and view…then if the user clicks on the button again, the sliding menu slides back in and outta sight.
i’ve posted a JPG of what I’m trying to accomplish to make it easier if anyone can help. (objective.jpg)
search for “easing”. you’ll find a lot of info on how to move things like this. you will make a MC containing those thumbnail buttons. the MC is what you will be moving.
See, I’ve figured out the easing out part…the part that is still giving me trouble is the fact that the image gallery is much longer (width wise) than the box beside it that would cover wats underneath. Furthermore, the box beside it is also semi transparent, which in my Flash presentation, will have the background kinda showing through…so how do i have the gallery pop out of nowhere and slide back into nowhere?
I know this sounds confusing…but any help would be great!