Hello out there.
I have some problems with my site.
First: I have two movies loading into different empty clips. The problem is when I test my site over the web server. The loading time is VERY long , even when the movies are small in size and Im on a cable. What could be the problem?
Second: One of the movies loaded Loads dynamic text from a .txt file. On this movie my preloader dont show like on the other movies that only include a picture. The scripts I use for the preloaders are
Well your preloaders are fine, they aren’t causing the problem.
If you ask me it looks like your audio player at the bottom is. Since your movie is loading two things at once it is taking a while and your audio files are obviously huge because they are loading slower than your movies.
Thanks alot man. Yeah the audio file are huge. 3.5 mb. My low size loops are not finished yet , so I just put a mp3 in there for now. I forgot. HUH , silly me.
I have not used stop actions on the loaded files. Is it important to put a stop in the end of each movie?
If you don’t have a stop() action at the end of your scene then your scene will keep looping around.
In your site it didn’t appear as though that happened, so I think it is safe to say you are alright there. As long as everything works you don’t have to worry about it.
Now as for that text preloader. If it is just text I am assuming there is nothing to preload, which is a good thing.