Slow Problem

Hi all, I seem to have this size problem with my movie. I have tried everything that I could possibly do.

I am creating a slide show portfolio site with jpegs. I have tried cleaning out my library, optimizing images down to nothing, have created a preloader and used graphic elements in flash as much as possible rather than importing them. I see other sites with images and they seem to load within no time, but mine takes forever (almost 2 minutes). There must be a secret!

When generating a size report it seems that the images is what is holding everything up. In my library I have both bitmap (original) and symbols (movie clips) of the same image, but when I delete the original both disapear from the movie. This is the only thing I can think of, but every suggestion I will take because I’m very new at this, Thank you and please help!

If you have Photoshop use the “export for web” option and save as a jpg. Then in flash itself right click on the image in your library and go to properties. There are some additional things you can do there. Can’t open flash at the moment but let me know if you cant’ figure out what I’m talking about.


Yes I’ve tried all that, but thanks anyways.

if u put each pic on na seperate scene, then they should all just load one by one instead of all at once