Small errors in the Photoshop tuts - which I love!

Yo guys.

I’ve just been reading the tutorials in the Drawing and Design section for Photoshop. I liked them a lot, especially the 3D logo one by Unflux.

Though, I have to say I found two little errors in them :D. Trying to be helpful I hereby post them, not really knowing where to post them otherwise…

The first one is in kitiara’s Two Tone Bitmap Images tut. Well I think it’s a spelling error but English isn’t my native language so I’m not sure. Well anyways:

This create a new Fill or Adjustment layer over the top of the selected layer.

If I’m not mistaking that should be creates :D.

The second one is in UNFLUX’s 3D Logo tut. At the end of the tutorial we can read:

There you have it - a burnt piece of paper. If you need any help, please post in the Drawing and Design forums.

Probably that piece of text was copied from one of the other tuts (burnt paper).

I hope I’m not offending anyone by being a jerk here :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, I really love the tuts and especially the last one mentioned (3D Logo)
Thanks a lot, UNFLUX and all the others.

Greetz, ScHAmPi.