October 17, 2006, 1:31am
Okay, I went through and revised everything pretty much about the site. I think you all will enjoy it much better than before. However, I’m still working out one last kink in IE6… grrrr
That’s essentially you’re largest problem - you said it perfectly. The content needs to be better before other people will start looking at it, not the other way around.
Here’s a few of my ideas…[LIST]
[]New logo (two blocks with letters in them is not terribly creative; especially because the text below it doesn’t smoothly fit in). New font, also.
[ ]New colors (sorry, they just don’t work for me)
[]Center the “Submit Site” text vertically in the bar it’s on…
[ ]Have a submission form, not an email address. That looks bad. Find one popular network/gallery that does this.
[]The nav is about as simple as it gets. It’s just a li
in a block? Try designing it a bit more… maybe rounded corners, a gradient, etc…
[ ]You left all the components of a default WP sidebar in there… “Meta”? Would you have included that if you had made the site without WordPress? How 'bout the names of the other headers?
[]Everything below the “Submit Site” bar seems very undesigned . All you did was apply colors to the default theme, it seems.
[ ]The “next page” link on the bottom doesn’t have spacing below it and the footer.[/LIST]Hopefully you’ll take this as constructive criticism, and improve.
Site Is Here
Feedback from not just Nokrev (Of course more advice is welcome, but I would like more opinions), would be appreciated