Sneak peek at the site's new design!

This was so fun to jam on with you man!


@kirupa i can’t see the forum buttons via safari mobile at the front page

I’ll need to fix that in the near future! Good catch :slight_smile:

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Hopefully my last major design update before I get back to creating new articles! If you got to the home page, you’ll see an intro video I recorded. The cats Inji and Pixel may or may not make an appearance :stuck_out_tongue:

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Q: Are there any hidden games in the new design? And if not, should there be hidden games in the new design?


I was just thinking this today! The Konami Code triggers a game. What game, though? :sweat_smile:

Is there a library of open source JS games that I can make available similar to the old Flash games from the Arcade these forums briefly had!

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Made a few more tweaks! The font for the tutorial listings…

…and category headings has been updated to using Departure Mono:

Of course, because this is a monospaced font, the code snippets have been replaced towards using them as well:

This is a very subtle change overall, but it was a fun one that I thought about. This was on my todo list for some time, and my chat with Helena just pushed it higher on my list!
