Sneak peek at the site's new design!

This was so fun to jam on with you man!


@kirupa i can’t see the forum buttons via safari mobile at the front page

I’ll need to fix that in the near future! Good catch :slight_smile:

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Hopefully my last major design update before I get back to creating new articles! If you got to the home page, you’ll see an intro video I recorded. The cats Inji and Pixel may or may not make an appearance :stuck_out_tongue:

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Q: Are there any hidden games in the new design? And if not, should there be hidden games in the new design?


I was just thinking this today! The Konami Code triggers a game. What game, though? :sweat_smile:

Is there a library of open source JS games that I can make available similar to the old Flash games from the Arcade these forums briefly had!

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Made a few more tweaks! The font for the tutorial listings…

…and category headings has been updated to using Departure Mono:

Of course, because this is a monospaced font, the code snippets have been replaced towards using them as well:

This is a very subtle change overall, but it was a fun one that I thought about. This was on my todo list for some time, and my chat with Helena just pushed it higher on my list!


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I’m taking a short break between tutorial writing, and I want to fix the left nav to make it more discoverable. Today, you need to scroll towards the bottom of the tutorial to see the other related articles on the site.

Thoughts on this proposed change?

The home page will remain as-is with the animated clouds. I do want to bring some type of animation on these pages as well, so I’ll keep fiddling with them and see what can be done.

Here is another variation, except the animations will always be visible - even behind the left nav.

Gray sidebar:

Blue sidebar:

…and the changes are live! They should work across all colors and dark/light themes as well :slight_smile:

I learned a bunch along the way, and the entire process of updating the site took about 1 hour overall.

Below is a short video where I explain some of the behind-the-scenes thinking on this.