I’ve tried a snow effect, but I don’t want it to disappear when the screen ends, I’d like it to maake little mountains, I think I’ll be able with an array, but the problem is:
How do I make a movieclip there when the dynamic flake goes to the top to start faling again?
I make the dynamic flakes with duplicates, but I can’t make more duplicates once the movie has started and I can’t do them before starting neither (then I’d move them up) to look like they’ve just fallen.
I have flash MX, but I can’t use it by now, I’m trying all this in flash 5.
If you know any way to solve it please write
but till now I couldn´t make the snow acumulate, if I got it to work I´ll let you know.
that’s a pretty sweet idea (snow accumulating)
post the source here when you’re done, i’d really be interested to see how you accomplished this.