
Ok, after the few days of lovely sun here in England, I’m now stuck in a thunder storm. This confirms that we have weird weather lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t you think storms are cool? :thumb:

  • Soul :s:

I’ve heard that englands weather sucks, like rains 250+ days a year

I wouldn’t say its that much

  • Soul :s:

but its close enough to be practically true…

Blazing heat yesterday, thunder storm today. :slight_smile: It’s thundering here too - absolutely lashing it out there.

I love going out in this kind of weather, thunder is great. :beam:

do you enjoy getting all wet kit :wink: haha

i dont mind thunder and lighting as long as its really warm when its happening…

thunder goes hand in hand with hot weather. didnt you know that?

I did a-level geography dontcha know :wink:

*Originally posted by Starpromo *
do you enjoy getting all wet kit :wink: haha
How on earth am I supposed to answer that without it sounding dirty? :stuck_out_tongue:

I think there’s just something about thunder storms… As long as you don’t stand under a tree or electric pylon, obviously. :sure:

It generally is warm when it happens though, I think. I know I’m baking at the moment. Got all the windows open even though it’s chucking it. :slight_smile:

sorry for my poor geographical knowledge…

i take it you like getting wet then… hehe

I do :wink:

haha SICK…

not you i ment kit… haha

ye, but I look ten times better than kit when wet :wink:

I look like a drowned rat. :stuck_out_tongue: Long hair just doesn’t do the wet look well. :sure:

well truth be told assfaultcalfman (is that correct?)

i happen to dissagree… the only way to prove it is for kit to show us all a picture of here wet… haha

Ah, now that involves me getting infront of a camera, and you should all know by now that I’m very camera shy. :slight_smile:

I’m willing to conceede this round to the art student. :stuck_out_tongue:

Out of all the weather I have ever been through… rain is the best by far. I’m not too keen on thunder and lightning (have way too many trees in my garden) but the rain is the best. It’s always so refreshing and what better way is there to get soaked? :).

[edit] And I think we should have a competition between who looks better wet: Kit or Asphalt :stuck_out_tongue: [end of edit]

in a nice warm bubble bath with a lovely lady?

(i like my idea better)

Lol… that depends on what the “lovely lady” has in mind. Now, off for a run in the night rain I go. Be back later ;).

haha… i know someone from surrey… what a claim!

but just generaly in a bath with a lovely lady no matter what would be suffiecent…

You know someone from Kent also. :slight_smile:

Hang on, what sort of person goes for a run at 11pm? Maybe that’s a surrey thing… :stuck_out_tongue: