So after 15 years of assuming…turns out my parrot really is a girl

The last couple of days my birdie has been acting strange. Not being talkative, playful or not eating right. She is normally a friggin nut, bouncing off the walls and practicing her profanities. She seemed almost depressed like Footsie described about her bird a while back.

I was getting a little concerned, but this morning when I woke up she was all out of sorts. Vomiting, not being able to stand up, wheezing, and bleeding. I was crushed. I thought it was curtains for her.

So I threw her in her modified cat carrier and took her down to see her vet. After some poking, prodding and violent resistance from the little turd, he managed to get her on her back and examine her.

The kooky freak figured she would bypass that whole mate thing and try to pull off the motherhood act all by herself. Poor thing had an unfertile egg twice the size as normal lodged in her.

Doc, pulled out a syringe, drained it, broke it up and took it out. Good as new. Well she is still in a little pain and on some antibiotics and but should be fine.

It’s rare but sometimes female birds will lay eggs without a mate. The species of bird she is you can’t tell the gender unless you have them surgically sexed. I’ve always assumed it was a girl because she was always such a temperamental, spoiled little brat ***** :lol:

Guess I was right