Usually in the evening we let our two little budgies out to fly around the livingroom for an hour or two. In this time our shades are complete drawn, so the birds don’t smack into the windows.
Last night, we put them back into the cage as we normally do, and I go out the terasse door to get a smoke. Normally we take every precaution not to let the birds fly outside (duh), so we make ABSOLUTELY sure the cage has no open areas for them to escape through.
I get my smoke, come inside, sit and watch some tv for 20 mins before bed time, my girl is sitting at the pc, browsing around metacafe. We turn off the lights etc, and go to bed.
This morning when I got into the living room, the bath for the cage is on the opposite side of the cage, leaving a laarge opening in the cage they normally fly out through… I mean… how the hell can we POSSIBLY have not put the bath back to cover the opening as we usually do… We were BOTH sitting around the cage after my smoke last night, and we ALWAYS double check the cage before I go out. Yet this morning, the cage was open… :-/
I know sometimes the mind slips, but not for 2 people, both very careful around the birds, and both not observing it for almost 30 minutes. I even said goodnight to the litlle buggers before I turned off the lights… If we forgot to put the bath back, I would have noticed…
Weird stuff… luckilly none of the budgies flew out this morning and hammered into the windows…