So i have this grey african parrot since the past four years and he is blind. Actually his initial owner ditched him when the poor thing became blind after he got a cold. Anyhows, one of my sister’s friend called me up and asked me if i wanted to keep a blind parrot since her house was already full of pets. I readily agreed and the next day SANTA as named by my friend became a part of our family.It took him a while to settle in and stuff and then when he adjusted, it was just crazy as he would make all sorts of cute noises from a meow of a cat, to competing with my siter in wolfwhistles and calling my dad “abbu”, which in Urdu language is known as dad.
Now the problem is that for the past three weeks my parrot has become very quiet and doesnt do his usual chirping that he used to do. He keeps quiet mostly and no matter how much we try he seldom makes any noise. My mom is always with him trying to talk to him and stuff, I try to mimick his usual specific sounds which he used to make, but he doesnt respond… all of a sudden he has just become quiet as if depressed. I have absolutely no clue as to what to do. I m **** scared of taking him to a vet as VETS here are mostly quacks and i dont want my parrot to be killed by the vet as my persian cat was.
Though he seems fine as in not unwell, but still since he used to be very talkative and noisy, we are kind of getting concerned about him. I have no idea wht to do? Any suggestions would be appreciated, But i CANNOT take him to a vet because there are NO PROFESSIONAL VETS HERE, they are mostly quacks who end up killing the animals…well atleast in my case which i have experienced so far! so a trip to the vet is out of the question.Any suggestions or ideas as to why he has turned so solemn?
Try asking the question at I’ve got a membership there too, and they have a section devoted to african greys aswell.
I bet there’s a lot of people there who can help more than we can here
^ thanks Eilsoe!
Yes, all kinds of parrots get depressed of move. You should give it back to your friends sister, and see if he goes back to normal.
^err but wht good is that going to do?? my sister’s friend just had him for a day and then gave it to me. She wasnt the ditcher…she basically bought the parrot becoz she felt sorry for him and since her house is already full of cats and dogs , she couldnt keep the parrot,…i have had this parrot for four years and never did he show signs of dullness…
How old is the parrot?
Most parrots, particularly African Greys tend to form a special bond with one person. Being away from that person can certainly depresses the hell out of them. My african grey gets very depressed whenever I travel for more than a couple of days and even starts plucking out her own feathers she gets so distressed.
Are you able to hold the bird and give it physical attention?
If so I recommend doing so as much as possible. And let her learn your voice. Especially wecoming tones.
You can get it to bond with you but it will take time. In the meantime just try to console the poor thing. Moving a bird from one location to another, especially with new owners is a very traumatic expierence for them.
They are creatures of habbit. You just have to ease them into the new routine.
Here is me and my baby:
^ no fester…Santa has been with us for the past four years and initially when he came he was obviously depressed as he had lost his eyesight in his first owner’s place who had then ditched him. With time he soon became used to us, and is close to the whole family. He senses who gives him food which is usually my dad, and he aslso acknowledges it by taking out a specific sound. he is also close to my mom and myself. Nobody is travelling as yet and we are all there and its not as if he is being neglected or anything…coz 24 hrs he is around us. Yeah one thing though, he doesnt get out of his cage since he cant see, and he plays with his toys inside the cage only. Also he doesnt like being touched, coz he just goes in a fury when someone tries to touch him, he just becomes all puffed up, so cant really give him physical attention, but yeah we all talk to him and he used to be so active…he would respond to our sounds and would be quite noisy. of late he has just become kind of dull and sleeps a lot. I have just posted this problem in the birdboard forum and some are saying its due to the fact that he just eats seeds and peanuts which is not healthy for him…? But how am i supposed to make him eat anything else as he wont touch the food other than seeds and peanuts…
man, i m so worried!
Get him a lady friend?
umm so sunflower seeds and peanuts are not a healthy diet for my parrot!!! Sunflower seeds are very high in fat, and are not healthy.peanuts in the shell contain a fungus called aspergillosis (sp) which are a threat to the parrots life…dangggg i didnt know that as i have been feeding him peanuts and sunflower seeds…danggggg…hey Eilsoe thanks a lot for the link. Birdboard sure has helped me with quite a lot of information. acc to them i need to change his diet and somehow make him get out of his cage irrespective of him being blind.
I know, I followed your thread over there
Birdboard is a great place for bird owners, I go there regularly looking in the budgie section, we have 2 little girl budgies in our apt. :love:
^awww too cute…wht do u feed them?
Here they are :love:
Wow, nice colors… what kind of birds are those?
^ Vexir, they r budgies
i’v got a little bird too…ummm not little :lol:
>drunk post just meant to piss off footsie again, on a serious note set it free and let vultures have a nice lunch snack for a change :lol:
^ that was’nt a serious note :lol:
Sorry Footise; I hope he will come out of it’s funk; Have there been any changes in your house or life? Animals are very sensitive to routine. My cat gets depressed when I am away for a couple of days and my friend’s cat sunk into a deep depression after her Dad passed away; The cat was very attached to him and I think it lasted a couple of months
I don’t know anything about birds though I do like to watch them; Keep me up to date:)
lol, i had to read thru the whole post to realize that your parrot has gone depressed and not like this “parrot gone, depressed!”
hey secretisnish, thanks for ur concern…no the routine is still the same and there has been no changes so far which could have disturbed him.ANyways from what i have been told, i have to change his diet, which is a difficult thing as santa is way stuck up in his habbits…so lets hope the diet thing works and he gets back to normal.
@jas…goofy ur yahoo is corrupted Buahaha…after having it for two days it’s now corrupted,God is also against me using it:P, come on msn if possible.
[ot]Eilsoe… I have heard you mention you had “budgies” a million times here. I never had any clue what kind of bird that was until you posted that pic. I have always seen that breed referred to as a “Parakeet”[/ot]
Interesting, you learn something new every day. I used to have 2 Budgerigar back in the day. :thumb:
Sorry to spam your thread Footsie :beam:
Fresh fruits and vegetables are always a good thing. Etta in particular loves Red Delecious Apples, Pineapple, and Green Bell peppers.
^ no worries fester…i dont mind one bit u asking abt the birdies…and thanks for the pointers…