So, I still cant get these flash buttons to work

Once again, I am working with Dreamweaver MX. I created the pages, then the buttons from inside D/W. I set the buttons up as shown in the attached pic. For some reason though, the buttons will NOT link to the pages ???

you can try specifying a target, or just edit your html yourself.

Are the the buttons made in flash MX and given the corect Actions

I had this issue once before using the flash buttons extension in Dreamweaver and I had to go the long way about it but it worked. Once the button is placed on the page you need to actually delete it (because it is saved in your site folder to the right of the screen) and then drag it back on to the page from your site folder. Then you also have to then relink it by clicking on the link folder and dragging it to the page you want it to link it to. This was how I was able to resolve my issue with it. It may not work for you but it is worth a try. I know that it seems to be the long way.

Wahoo! Thanks a bunch Houston! That fixed it! I think my main challenge so far has been that I’m using the Dreamweaver MX for Dummies book. It’s a nice little read it over some coffee…didnt know what Dreamweaver was but now you do …but still cant put a site together type of book. I’ve got Dreamweaver MX, Hands On Training on the way though. Thanks again!

wow that’s probably the wierdest problem i ever heard of

tell me about. i only figured it out by playing with it. good luck

well since your not linking it in flash, i would just right my own html code to link the buttons

The buttons are an extension for Dreamweaver. They are flash buttons but not editable in flash. Some of the buttons are really cool and I even used the ones in the pic provided once, but if you are a newbie they are premade and supposedly ready to use. Unfortunately no where does it tell you to delete them and then drag them back to the field to be able to use them. It was something that you kinda figure out once you have had it. LOL