I was at the swimming pool w/ my dad today. We put our keys in a locker and locked it. An hour later, we came out and found the locker busted and the keys & pants & jackets gone (we didn’t bring wallets). I ran out and found the car (2002 Corolla) gone too. We called the police to file the report and waited for AN HOUR until some guy came. During the wait I found blood on the bag we put our stuff in (which the guy(s) did not take). When the officer came, he told us it would take millions of dollars to sample the blood and find a match and we should just throw the bag away.
So, the thief has the driver’s license (my home address, where I am now, it’s all fine here), the car, my jacket, and my dad’s pants. If I ever find this son of a *****, I will punch his face repeatly until his head falls off or until I get broken bones in my hand.
So we filed the police report, and soon will phone the insurance company (damn them for opening 8-5 every day). Any other suggestions to what else we should do or expect? We’ll change the our home door locks tomorrow too.