
OMG! I can’t even believe it! So yesterday, I came home from work to find my apartment door kicked in and the frame all bashed! I was so shocked and freaked out! I live in a really nice part of Orlando and figured I was safe there. Turns out that this was the first crime the apartment complex I live in has ever had! Woo-hoo, I’m lucky number flippin 1!

I am SO livid because they took both of my laptops!!! My Gateway and my iBook!! They took my Playstation 2, Gamecube and my video camera, not to mention they grabbed a handful of my DVD’s on the way out too!!!

To show you the genious of this idiot! I had a brand new Sony digital camera that I had just bought 3 days ago and it was sitting right on the counter in plain view and he didn’t even take that!!! He must Sony or something :wink:

My wife and I just feel so violated because this ***** went through everything trying to find the high value stuff…he rummidged through our bedroom and closets! It just es me off!! I want to find this guy and beat the living P*ss out of him!!!

:{ :hitman: :angry: :fight: :scream: :crying: :hangover: :deranged: :m: :td: :upset: :puzzled: :worried: :bad: :hair: