Hey everyone,
I received this e-mail from him this morning:
Hi This is Ryan Hoover and my username was soccerstar on your forums. I went to enter your forms today, well a minute ago, when I got back from a trip i was on for 2 days. Anyay it says that my IP was banned? Why is that, i love your site the users are very very helpful. Is there a spacific reason my username was banned? IF there is, I think that it had something to do with my 12 year old brother using my name while i was away. If he saud something profane, and indeed deserved to be banned, i appologize immensely. I will deal with him later if you respond ant that is the reason. If this is not the reason, i am sure it was an error or something. I would like to have access back to your forms ASAP, as i have mentioned they are very helpful.
Please respond.
Thank you,
Ryan Hoover
Does this sound like a good reason to let him back in and give him a second a chance?
Hmmm, that kind of makes sense. In the “Am I the youngest member” that was started by a member stating they were 13 (can’t remember the member right now), soccerstar stated that he was younger, but in his profile it states that he is 14. So it could have been his 12 year old brother, or he could have just done that as cover up in case this did happen :-\
Also another suspicious thing is that after he was banned he created the name “lucent”, now all of soccerstars previous attachments to the forum had the title “lucent”, could be a name he goes by on the net, and his brother knew that, I dunno.
If he acts up again, ban him again, simple as that. And if he claims it was his brother again, then it isn’t our fault he doesn’t log out and/or doesn’t give his brother his password and username. If banning him means keeping his brother out, then thats what it takes.
I say unban his IP, but make him set up a new account. Then tell him to log out each time, and do not tell his brother (or anyone else) his password. I would let him know that this account will be watched carefully.
This would take away the “dog ate my homework” excuse.