Aliright, i am aware that i was banned a couple of days ago becasue of some rude comments made, supposibly by me. I want to clear this up that i did not make those comments; i was on a trip for 2 days with some friends, it was my 12-year old brother that did this. I will take up the matter with him.
Furthurmore i apologize to anyone that he offended, anyone that he made rude comments toeards, and i beforehand apologize for the beating he will recieve for making me apologize.
I hope that everyone will accept my apologies for my ignorant brother’s remarks, comments, gestures, analogies, etc.
Im gonna tell him to start to act his age, and know i know why you have the age thingy when you register.
Someone with your same IP just registered as G.O.D. I am not sure what is going on, but if more people with your IP decide to start pointless threads, I will have no choice but to ban this IP.
Just banned his IP - received an e-mail from him stating that it was just a new name. I think soccerstar is a good enough name, and there was no reason to register another name to post. This time, the ban is permanent.