Hey everyone,
I spoke with soccerstar on AIM today (he contacted me). Needless to say, he was upset that he was banned! I told him to ensure that nothing would happen, and to provide a detailed apology and explanation to prove that this won’t happen again. Here is his e-mail:
Okay I want you to know before i start that i feel like a guilt free con that keeps gettin another chance and always is ending up in the same place and positions.
Kirupa has notified me that my IP address has been banned yet again. The reason that I was told for the banning was that there was multiple and religions names made on my IP on the forums. This was true. My third and youngest brother Josh thought that it would be fun to make a name in the forums and get to know people. This I thought was okay becasue i had just finished threatening them at all angles short of taking their lives that
there would be no more of what my 12 year old brother Taylor did. This was agreed to. I have 9 computers on a router and a hub, and they all have the same route IP address due to the router. They both have their own computers, and they liked Kirupa Forums after I had been on and read some of
the things that people had written, and posted for help and been responded to. My brother Taylor (the one that made the rude comments, etc.) is not allowed on your site by my parents, P.S. my dad is Italian, yeah he wont go on again. Though I thought that all furthur problems, enemy making, and apologies were done with, i go to logon as my name “soccerstar” and i get
the; what should be unfamiliar, yet is familiar, the administrator has banned your IP. OMG i was soo mad. I first blamed taylor, but soon found out through Kirupa that is wasnt, and that it was actually due to my other brother Josh. He had made some “religious names” or something, and was
banned through the IP. This would have been fine had we not all been on the same IP. It wasnt though. I have just recently contacted Kirupa and have given him my scenario, and he told me to post a solution to this problem and this is what I have come up with:
I will be putting a block on all of the computers in my house for
Kirupaforums.com besides my comp which will have a password on it. MY brothers are completely computer illiterate and will not be able to undo this block. I will then post another apology in the forums. I, once you get to know me am a nice guy, that just wants to meet people, have intelligent convos, and learn flash all problen and quarrel free. I happen to really like the forums at Kirupa, otherwis there is no way that I would have typed
this. Im jsut that lazy. Another reason is that I happen to take a lot of pride in being the 15 yearold kid that any age kid or adult will talk to, hang out with, or tolerate, and not have any enemys to deal with.
I am very sorry for these; if seen one sided mainly on your side, would look like a pitiful attempt at another chance apologis. I am sory for any of offence taken for my sibling actions and PROMISE THAT WITH NO QUESTIONS THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN.
There are two 4 letter words that i believe are the strongest ever and you can choos either one, the choise is yours. I personally prefer Love.
That is just me though.
A special apology goes out to the Mods, I only want to be your friend.
Truely deeply sory,
Ryan Hoover
I think we should let him in - he seems really intent on being here. Would it be OK if we give him a third chance? If he messes up again, an icy wind will blow on the IP of the one called Ryan Hoover.
Kirupa :ub: