Social Problems - Are they your fault or societies?

I recently enrolled in a class called “social problems” I thought this class would study social problems, their effect, and how to solve them.

No, I was wrong. What this class does is tell how the people experiencing social problems are not at fault, but that is actually society’s fault for “letting the situation be a problem.” This class has also taught me that there is no real solution for most (if any) social problems.

Let’s take a look at some social problems here.
Alchoholic - Not your fault, society let you drink to much. It’s ok though, because there is no solution and someone has to be an alchoholic, sorry it had to be you!

Child abuse - It’s not your fault that your being abused, and it’s also not your parents fault that they are abusing you. It’s societies fault for giving you the oppurtunity to abuse your children. Sorry that there isn’t much we can do about it!

To me this is just completely ridiculous. I think that we have to start blaming ourselves for our own problems. Take some responsibility! Also, I believe that we have to think that there are solutions to our problems. If we don’t, they can only get worse.

What think?