is finally finished. please check

I’m just waiting for the client to get me the pictures she wants in the headshots gallery. But everything else is done.

If people could check my site on different browsers and platforms, and let me know if anthing is wrong that would be great. Also, i put a flash detect/redirect script in, so if someone witthout flash could try to go to my site and let me know if the redirect works as its supposed to that would be helpful.

If people could try out the galleries, and switching between sections, and let me know if there are any bugs that would be great.

What do you think about the load times, animation smoothness, etc…

I am open to suggestions, but unless its a very easy change I’ll probably just leave the site as is. The client is very happy witth the site.


Nice :thumb:

Nice and smooth movements. Everything seemed to function properly and the only thing I would change is the use of “white” and that background, but if that’s what the client wanted…

The load times weren’t bad at all except maybe in the galleries but even then it wasn’t too bad, I’m running DSL by the way and using Internet Explorer.

Good job!

good luck finding someone here without the flash plugin :wink:

looks good… I agree about the use of white, also I think it would be nice if you didn’t use the default skin on the scroll component… why not customize it to better match the site (colors, style, etc.). But if the clients already happy, and youre gettin paid, doesnt really matter - just food for thought.


oh it all worked, Im on a cable line, Win XP, IE

I think im gonna leave it as is as far as the visuals. There are some things i could change such as the scrollbar, but the client likes the site a lot, so whats the point… So mainly im interested in if people have found any bugs or problems. Thanks a lot!

i thought the loader had crashed on me several times, even when it said it had loaded the text disapeared and the white bg stayed on screen for about 40 secs. Check your AS.

Apart from that the site is fine.

Yeah, I noticed it does that sometimes, although its usually only about 5 seconds for me. The preloader caches all the images, so i dont know why it would hang when trying to load an image… should load instantly out of the cache. Is there any way to see what images are loaded from the site and which ones are loaded from the cache (preloaded), like an Internet Explorer log of some sort. Theres a great program for PC called XAT webspeed simulator which does this, but im on a MAC.

Well I really don’t dig the gallery. Maybe the photographer just doesn’t have much skill, good equipment or you set the quality down to low on the pictures.

As for the site itself it’s alright but could use some details. I’m really not digging the pixel font and menu, it doesn’t seem to match the rest of the site. I think the entire site should look more like the budgeting sections but with pictures.

load times upon clicking buttons on nav bar or gallery sections are annoying. I think the white screen stays white for too long when the pictures are already cached. Some of the text also appears blurry. Fixed these few problems and you have a nicely done site.