Just finished a first draft of my new site!
Its a bit of a departure for me with lots of actionscript
(compared to normal)
Can you all give any comments about it as i am still finishing and changing things now will be easier than later!!
Im not sure about the croll buttons personally…
Also only the home section has any content for now, and no sounds yet…
Currently, I cannot give a lot of comment to your website but I think that it would be better when you put a color in your scrollbar on the home section.
lynx what was the problem did my link not work??
and lairusi how come you cannot comment , is it that bad??
I cannot comment because it’s still under construction. But I think that your making a great job.
aah i see, got a bit worried there have spent best part of this week doing it and thought that maybe i had wasted my time, phew!!
Have added sounds and eased all the animation now.
Give it a look as its pretty much finished (aside from actual text in the various sections) so see what you think!
thanks for any opinions by the way!!
Not a bad start, but I think you need more content to fill in the negative space your layout has.
Some of your button text is a bit blurry so you might want to fix that.
Overall I like the concept with the animated lines. Good job. =)
I think that it’s much better now with the sound. :beam:
looks nice, gj . but i noticed that in the top right corner where u have info being displayed you talk of a shopping cart you can do but then ya give a link to jacob cane designs ? unless you are working with him i would not send a user to another design firms site know what i mean ?
i dont like when you mouse over a section under portfolio how the sections name flys to the right and if you move your mouse, it jumps back. feels like im trying to catch something to look at your site.
Thanks for all the input people, is much appreciated!
Being slef taught has the drawback of no one to tell you when you make a mistake so all your input is appreciated.
some good points, i may make the words move less severely as they do tend to fly off to much!!
Also the blurry text i can fix and as for the link to jacobcane i may remove that but for now its ok as i havent publicised my site yet and should think you guys are the only peeps whove seen it.
Thanks again guys…
it looks good, i like the effect on the pictures.