Does anyone else agree with me, some people need training in ‘common sence’??
Okay, today has been a friggin crazy day…
My second job I work at banana republic, and I was working alone on the second floor of the store, a old woman asked me for a fitting room, so I point to an open one. to the fittin room, there is small step down, wich is hard to notice, so what happends? She stubles, looses her balance and hits her head on the frame of the door.
I run back, I ask her if she is okay, shes says yes, but she is bleeding a bit. So I quickly notify the manager to call the ambulance. But then I notice she starts bleeding more, so I grab a bunch of paper towels and press it on her wound, for pressure. Shes still bleeding, I was afraid she will lose consiousness, so I lied her down, and asked my manager for some clothes to put under her head, and my manager, before handing me the item, looks at the price tag, to make sure thats it not too expensive (We are on the fucking SALES floor! ) And who gives a flying rants a$s anyway? Shes has a 3 inch opening in her skull you dumb btch!
Anyway, I lie her down, and the manager gets me a first aid kit, I get some bandages and gauze pad, put on some gloves and apply pressure. And I drop the blood soaked towels on the floor, Meanwhile the manager is telling me “oh don’t drop this on the floor, you might stain it”
So the ambulance arrives, I go outside of the fitting rooms and sit down. Picture me, i got blood on my jeans and shirt, I am wearing sterile gloves, covered in blood and I have dried blood up to my elbows… in the fitting rooms are 3 EMT’s another BR employe (he’s also a nurse) a manager, and that big portable bed the EMT’s have thats blocking the entrance to the fitting rooms.
Its also pretty obvious that there is a person whos hurt there.
But it dosent stop the morons of the world to come up to me and ask me if he can go in there to try these jeans on, or if can make some room for them… !!!1
WHAT THE F***!!!
Honestly, we need a system, if a person acts this stupid they deserve a kick in the ***… its should be the law!