From my project director

ok, im just venting…

This made laugh, one because he used the word ‘flabbergasted’ and two because he sounds like he is sulking… :lol:

Dear all,
I’m beginning to wonder how committed to safety some people really are. Gordon Cowan sent out an e-mail recently asking for volunteers from the office to be part of the Office Safety Action Team (SAT). Only 3 people responded, one of which is already a member of the Safety Action Group (SAG), into which the SAT’s feed.
There must be at least 35 to 45 or even more people who are in these offices a majority of their time.
Well, I’m absolutely flabbergasted to say the least. I can only assume the attitude is ‘I won’t get involved in case I have to do something and anyway someone else will do it!’ This time there isn’t anyone else to do it. So please reconsider your commitment to safety and respond to Gordon asking to be included in the Office SAT.

Everybody, Everywhere, Everyday.


"I won’t get involved in case I have to do something and anyway someone else will do it’" Darn right! Why on earth would people want to have two jobs on site, yet only get paid for one of them?

Everybody, Everywhere, Everyday. You what? WTF does that mean? I may as well say Somebody, somewhere someday. In fact, thats what a lot of us hope : someday you will be somewhere, bothereing someone else.



Everybody should beat the **** out of him AND Gordon Cowan.

heh heh :thumb:

Dear, dear. Truly tragic.

The man has clearly lost the plot - does he honestly think that this kind of missive is going to generate a positive response (or respect of him)?

Everybody, Everywhere, Everyday.

I would suggest not joining. It sounds like a cult to me. I can hear the chanting now…

Everybody, Everywhere, Everyday.

Everybody, Everywhere, Everyday.

           Everybody, Everywhere, Everyday.



yay! keep the children safe!

Fester, you are one funny guy! Im gonna chant that at work now :slight_smile:
cello: thanks, those are my thoughts exactly :wink:

Office Safety Action Team (SAT) ha?
Orange? ha ha ha
just read some of his suggestions in <" bored in office "> thread, u ll understand.:stuck_out_tongue:

Have you ever tried playing “Buzzword Bingo” with Management? :slight_smile: This guy would get a few marks straight off the bat… :sure: Cretin. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Buzzword Bingo”? please explain, this sounds fun :slight_smile:

‘Buzzword Bingo’ (alternatively known as ‘Bull**** Bingo’) involves making out a bingo card in Excel, about 5-6 columns and 4 ish rows.

In each cell, you put a Management buzzword. Examples would be “migration”, “process”, “re-engineering”, “paradigm” that kind of thing.

Print out several copies, and hand out to all attendees of the meeting (except the meeting holder / speaker / presenter).

Sit back and enjoy. Every time the speaker says one of the words on your bingo card, cross it off. First one to either complete a row or the full house (determined before the game begins), has to stand up and shout “Bull****!”


Thx kit! I needed a laugh - you’ve split me sides again (they’d just recovered from previous posts :))

I have GOT to try this one day…

Always a pleasure. :slight_smile:

I have actually done this once or twice… It works best with a speaker with a sense of humour who can appreciate the fact that they’re talking rubbish. Especially when someone wins. :stuck_out_tongue:

And the good thing is, you can never really run out of buzzwords. :slight_smile: