But how can you have a flashback of a ghost if you have never seen one?
*Originally posted by Coppertop *
**Actually science has looked into this a couple times. For example: Have you ever thought heard a family member call your name, only to find out they didn’t? Happens to me all the time. Well, anyway, scientists have a theory that when you get really relaxed and tuned into something (like a computer game) parts of your mind that are inactive start to drift and do stuff just for the hell of it, like bring up memories of someone calling your name.
*I don’t know how that would apply to golgi, especially because she said that her pets heard it too, hmm, I think about that. ***
well hear pets jumped becuase she jumped.
i happed too me once when i jump out off my skin (just like that) and my cat jumped too because u jumped :-\
Hehe, sounds to me that you need more sleep Gina
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**one word:
Rev **