Something weird

ok, so im sitting here just doing flash and someone in the room claps their hands once REALLY loud. like. REALLY loud.

only thing is. no one else is in the room. plus its a small room. and all the lights are on. theres not a chance in hell that someone could be here without me seeing them.

i swear it sounds like what happens when someone apparates.

have i lost it? my pets heard it too, near jumped out of their skins.

so friggin weird. :crazy:

sorry, that was me =)

ohh, ok. didya see my new flatscreen? isnt it sweeeeeeeeeeeet?


can the reason be…
Style: Alien by redGolgi



The sound when someone apparates? Isn’t that from harry potter? Imagination goin a wee bit overboard golgi?

Something weird was going on in my house last night as well. I brought my dog into my room, All of a sudden, she barked really loud while looking at the corner of my room. She seemed very jumpy after that happened. Then i turned off my tv to go and talk on the computer. When i went to go to bed, my TV was on, and it was all snowy.

This was very weird, and it creaped me out…

Sometimes when there’s a slight change in air pressure, or a small vibration, even a change in room temperature causes some objects to omit sounds.

A door can slowly start to close, or some floorboards can begin to creak. I’ve even had some pots fall from the drain board before beacause my heater kicked on and caused enough motion to tip some things.

Then of course there’s aliens who could have been sneaking up on you and blew their cover. Even ghosts, they say, also have power to move objects with electronic fields.

Bottom line: Could have been anything really …

oo creepy! i love creepy stuff untill it happens to me…

phil is right though, if you were browsing the web it could have been that. i remember i heard an ambience on my puter one time and i couldnt figure out what i had running, then i was searching and ti was FI’s 2000 site :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually science has looked into this a couple times. For example: Have you ever thought heard a family member call your name, only to find out they didn’t? Happens to me all the time. Well, anyway, scientists have a theory that when you get really relaxed and tuned into something (like a computer game) parts of your mind that are inactive start to drift and do stuff just for the hell of it, like bring up memories of someone calling your name.

I don’t know how that would apply to golgi, especially because she said that her pets heard it too, hmm, I think about that.

Let’s get this over with.

It was ghosts, and they probably either want to kill you or watch you get dressed/undressed.

The best solution, of course, would be constant paranoia.


what’s the smilie, jaz?

smily says: i dont kno, i really dont kno

where’d u get them from??

I have never heard or seen anything but i have fetl many times when i have been alone specially in the dark.
Like somebody else is in the same room with me, like the presence of an energy of something or someone:sigh:
It feels scary, but i try usually to put all the lights on and try to sleep with the lights on when i am alone…:sigh:

yeah me 2… i get that all the time, i think it is just in your head.

I saw this programme where this guy says all things like ghosts are caused by electromagnetic fields of energy, it can come from old electronic stuff that donesnt fit FCC specs or something like that or just that you walked a field that affected your temperal lobes and created something. Of course you can get the same thing form lay lines.

one word:


