
i’m going to class now to take a test. wish me luck everybody. see ya tonite!

good luck, test suck!

oh do i hate tests, they are to much work. lol

tests do more than suck!

yea, they make me fail. :stuck_out_tongue:

good way to get outta your math final>

forget yoru calculator in your locker, run down to get it, slice your finger open on you locker cuz of the big rush you’re in, start gushing blood all over the hallway, wrap your hand in your t shirt and run upstairs to tell your teach that you have to go to the nurse, so you will be late, listen to him tell you how it can’t be THAT bad, and he’s sure you can jsut wrap a paper towel around ti and take the test, and you assuring him that it really is bad, and him telling you to unwrap it so he can see, so you giving in and unwraping it, and him getting sprayed in the face with a HUGE gush of blood, and then him AND you going to the nurse and everyone not having to take the final!

if only that could work. lol

it did work for me… senior year… **** it was a good year

i will tell you if it werks!

jk i qoulf get in troubble

I usually get pretty good scores on tests!

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**or you can pretend you are a narcoleptic and simply phall asleep in the doorway of the room;

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

but then you might wake up face down in the toilet. :hangover:

lol, yeah, you shouldnt REALLY try that, its dANgerous… hehe, but you COULD eat some ramen noodles, and chew them up but not all the way, and then when the test comes, spit ramen noodles all over it, like you yakked… hehehehe

Actually I love tests. I’m a very lazy, yet ‘smart’ person. I can understand all the concepts im supposed to when it comes to science, and can memorize A LOT by simply listening and paying attention in class. Getting A’s on my tests is very normal. Yet, I ALWAYS ignore doing homework, and that gets my mark down the hill :-\

Back home my school had a rather weird system where homework didnt account for anything, at all! I got A’s and B’s, nothing but that. Here though my average mark has drastically dropped, only cause homework counts for like 70% of the final mark :-\


ok… I’m done… I gotta write an essay for English now :bad:

*Originally posted by ahmed *
** I can understand all the concepts im supposed to when it comes to science


ok… I’m done… I gotta write an essay for English now :bad: **

hey hey hey i know you hate homework but when it down you saying that you understand everything in science i dont think so. you maybe good at chemistry and physiscs but weather huh. noway i have seen how you did. i a not good at weather either but i am better than you in it.

i also hate tests becuase not they are hard or something but when i see a math test infront of me i forget every single thing i have learned. if not that i rush like hell through them and end up with a 10/100 for example

Originally posted by !@& *
**hey hey hey i know you hate homework but when it down you saying that you understand everything in science i dont think so. you maybe good at chemistry and physiscs but weather huh. noway i have seen how you did. i a not good at weather either but i am better than you in it. **
I was talking in general. Besides, i only didnt do well in that chapter only cause it was BORING! i didnt bother paying attention :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re very wrong when you say im not good at understanding things :bad:

oh… and how did YOU do in that chapter? and this chapter? :stuck_out_tongue:

cmmon raed be honest the weather (METEOROLOGY) unit is soooo hard u can’t get anything from it i mean it is goood for him to get 44% in it:beam: :trout:

*Originally posted by ahmed *
**I was talking in general. Besides, i only didnt do well in that chapter only cause it was BORING! i didnt bother paying attention :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re very wrong when you say im not good at understanding things :bad:

oh… and how did YOU do in that chapter? and this chapter? :stuck_out_tongue: **

it is boring yes your right

i did not say that i said that. you know chemistry and physics but not in weather

i did better than you in both

Originally posted by !@& *
**i did better than you in both **
No you didn’t, smart *** :stuck_out_tongue:

how many times did you come and ask me to explain things to you? in weather chapter? is this what i get in return? ;(

*Originally posted by B-Dawg *
**cmmon raed be honest the weather (METEOROLOGY) unit is soooo hard u can’t get anything from it i mean it is goood for him to get 44% in it:beam: :trout: **

correction now it is…hmmm. i think 60

i know he did much better in the chemistry chapter so raised up his mark

so good ahmed keep on pulling those marks and forget about meorology cuz i hate it tooo