Sound recording program

I’m trying to find a good program that I can use to record my own sound( e.g. record voices etc). If anyone could provide me with some suggestions it would be great. Thanks in advance.

Hey also, does anyone know of a good omininous,foreboding soundtrack…I need one for an upcoming project.Thanks.


Hey!! Sorry I’m late…
n-Track is a mediocre stereo sound recording program that uses your soundcard. It’s pretty cheap and easy (like I like my wo…hang on, wrong forum). Anywho - it’s only $50 and you can get it here:
For the soundtrack thing, I suggest you read this post:

There ya go!! Good luck!(-:

ok thanks…I downloaded the demo of the fastsoft and so far I’ve been able to do squat with it…maybe I’ll get better lol…have to play around with it…

It is kinda confusing, but for the price, it does the job. Usually what I will do is use zero to start recording and the space bar to stop. Then save it, then on the harddrive where n-track saves its stuff, you can find the wav there. Good luck!!

ok thanks…I’m also trying a program called GoldWave at the moment too…I’ve heard good things about something called Sound Forge and Acid Pro…what are those all about?

Not a clue. I know there a hundreds of programs out there to do what you are looking for (and more). I originally got n-track to record myself playing guitar. It was suggested by someone at a Guitar Center in Phoenix. They’ve got a few hundred programs there to ranging from $80 to $600.

i use acid 3.0 pro which you can buy at like Best Buy for $70 or download a trial at It does it all:link:

Have you thought about using the Windows Sound Recorder? Its not all that great but for little sounds it should do alright. If you want really hi-fi sound I’d say get a USB Mic and softawre designed specifically for USB mics.

er…lol I have no idea where the windows sound recorder is…btw I’ll have to check out all of these…

Windows sound record is in accessories:
Start>Programs>Accessories>Entertainment>Sound Recorder
(in Win98). It actually does work pretty well if you have a quiet computer. Mine picks up the power supply or the harddrive and leaves a whining sound in the background.

I’ve heard of acid 3.0 and I’ve heard good things…

hmm thanks I found the sound recorder…I got the demo of Acid Pro 4.0…as far as can I see it cant seem to be able to do much…is it’s sole purpose just to record sound…? Someone enlighten me on what I can do with this program…

I’ve also heard that Fruity Loops 3 is pretty good…can you record stuff with it?

I should have made it more clear before…I’m not looking for a program so much to compose stuff, but I’m looking for a high-quality program that I can use to record stuff(my voice…etc) and then be able to have effects and editing capabilities…Anyone have a suggestion for such a program?


Here’s a link to a billion different software programs:

ok thanks…I’ll have to look through all of that…

Lol…they all look good but I have no idea what to chose!..I need someones sound expertise on a choice here…

Well here’s the software i’ve used:
-cooledit pro for recording anykind of sound
-soundforge for editing / optimizing the soundfiles

Fruity loops is much more of a music maker - ie you take sounds and turn them into songs. Great, but definitely not for recording.