Sound recording software

hi, i didnt know what section of the forums to put this in so I’ll just put it here.

What is a good program for recording and editing sounds?

and is it free? If not do you know any free ones?

I really would appreciate anyone’s thoughts on this, because my next movie I am gonna use voice overs, and i want some voices to be deeper and stuff (like Sephiroth’s voice would be :)).

Audacity is free and in just about every platform:

You can mess around with multiple tracks, if you want to, and save out as mp3, if you want to.

imo, best ever is digidesign’s pro tools. check it at and look for pro tools free. its the only thing we use in the studio here and what we use at most, if not all, of our production studios out in L.A.


thanks guys but i cant find the one at digidesign. In the first one is it possible to lower your voice? Because thats what i wanna do really.

keep in mind that im at school, and therefore not willing to pay tons for these design tools.

i got the pro tools free thing, but i cant figure it out for the life of me, its so **** complicated. Could you please tell me how to just record a sound and have it play back, cause i sure cant figure it out.

yah… where’s the download?

to get the download you click search and search for pro tools free.

What i need help with is lowering my voice with these programs, either 1 i need to know how. Because demons voices are low (well at least the non pansy demons) and my voice is not low enough (i dont have a high voice but i want lower).

Is there any program that I can use to edit a voice to make it lower?

I cant figure out how to use the pro tools one. I cant figure out where it saves the voice recording to or how to edit it, and it saves the things as tracks, not as wav files.

no programs to make voice lower with eh, o well screw it then.

In that Audacity program (, make a new track (project>new audio track), then click “Record” (the red circle). Well, this assumes you have a microphone for your computer. After your performance, hit “Stop” (the square). Then select the messy end (when you reched for the Stop button) and hit delete, and the same for the beginning.
If the volume is wrong, Select All, go to Effect > Aplify, and type in a percentage. I guess you could also have Flash make it quieter, too.

cool edit pro 4 me…

but that’s all i’ve used…

so i can’t pass comment on the others…

nice plugins to go with it too…

very easy prog to get to grips with…


sorry about my slowness here, been super busy with things. as far as making your voice lower in protools, i can’t remember if the progy comes with the plug-in called audiosuite. if it does, then there are options to adjust pitch, if not, then there’s another way but i can’t remember right now. i’ll try and find that and post it in a few.

digidesign protools need a plugin to change the pitch (i don’t know if it’s already installed with protools free). But i have to make a declaration here : “protools is the best i’ve ever used”

but in your case, there’s alot software to use with and it’s also already came with a lot of build-in plug in.

recommended audio software:
Cool Edit Pro 2.00
SoundForge 5.0

but if Jimhere said the Audacity is free, why bother not to try this?
The only problem for u is to understand the basic of sound editing
i guess…

In audicity you cant lower your voice, you can lower the volume but not the voice pitch.