Right im a bit of a newbie when it comes to action script in FlashMX 2004…so any help would be appreciated.
So here’s the situation…
Ive been asked to make an amateur website for a small business near me. Im goin to make the site using flash and theres a few things i need help with.
- How do i load another .swf into my movie when the customer clicks on a button?
Eg. When the user clicks the “Products” button the products flash file loads up into the same file. Then when the user clicks a different navigation button it loads a bifferent file into the same position.
- Is it possible to put such thing as a product seatch onto the site? How do i get a search engine working for the site only?
The business im makin a website for is a dj equipment business that will be selling dj products and vinyl so my next question relates to sounds.
- Is it possible to load samples into the movie so that when the user clicks a button for the corresponding sample that it will play? If so how do i do this?
Is it possible to make my own hitcounter using flash? and how would i make a custom guestbook for the site?
Thanks alot for your time! GREATLY appreciated!