SP2 and LW and a few other 3d apps

Just warning my fellow LW users alot of my colleagues have reported issues with SP2 and LW. SInce LW relies on TCP/IP for communication SP2 has been gumming that up and lockups have been reported. Also I think some max and xsi users have reported issues. So if you have projects hold of on the upgrade to SP2. I am not doing it until maybe the end of the year.

all you have to do is find out what ports lightwave is using to communicate out and open those using the firewall - or just turn the firewall off.

yup, there has been many reported issues with sp2. So iwas just warning anyone that might be n a production schedule with LW. I know I am.

we got a list at work the other day - almost all the errors are due to communication through the firewall - listed like 150 programs…

it’s awesome, yet painful at the same time.

sp2… ? what is that…?
is this a P.C. thing…?

Service Pack Two, for XP.