Sparkley warkley

:scream: :scream: :bad: :a:

freakin microsuck, bunch of jokers, I’m starting to hate longhorn already

lets hope they take on Flash and fail miserably :smirk: I could do with a laugh :stuck_out_tongue:


I do hate Longhorn. Installed it on one of my PCs a week or so ago, and it’s diabolical. Truly terrible. :a:

There’s a whacking great big clock that takes up more room on the desktop than most of the applications. It’s all horribly grey. Windows Explorer’s buttons and toolbars have been moved around so nothing is where you want it / need it to be. It doesn’t work.

I know it’s pre-beta, but for crying out loud, what are they thinking?!?

This is just bunch on b$h!t. This is media. M.E.D.I.A. I bet Microsoft has paid them to write this article or smth like that…

microsoft? propaganda? never :sigh:

I guess it could be cr*p but you can’t deny that a widely available vector animation/programming platform for a widely available o/s could be a threat to flash especially when you consider the agressive methods in which microsuck have broken into markets in the past. Already they’re taking advantage of their market position with the package by allowing it access to longhorn’s api’s

as mentioned in the news forum :sure:

MS’s animation product probably won’t do much. They tried and failed previously with LiquidMotion :cyclops:

sparkles eh?
No Can Do, MS Sucks :stuck_out_tongue: