Might want to check them out before the site is slashdotted
thats cool Sen, but i think they are having problems with their site. couldn’t see too many pics
Error - 403
Failed to read headers returned by server.
Headers were invalid or incomplete.
that’s pretty cool Sen, thanks
It looks nice, but those icons look alot like the ones you can get for stardock and other gui apps for windows already.
probably already getting hit pretty hard :!:
I managed to snag them all and have them mirrored here
woaw thanx for the link
this windows will blast evry thing it looks better than mac os X
looks good
wants to be osx so badly…
Ugh, that version of windows seems too user-friendly for me.
Yeah, it looks good … but it’s still Windows!
We’ll have to see if it runs better than the other Windows OS-es. I think my XP running laptop is nice, but I love the UNIX based Mac OS-X.
Only time will tell - Longhorn is scheduled for 2006 release. But you can bet your butts that I’m not investing in a new computer until then!
wow cool, i just got to see all the images, looks real nice
Doesn’t look that much different than XP right now, it’s just another version of XP (XP2). But it’s going to require a bunch of system resources to get those graphics and such, I’m thinking 256MB minimal RAM, 32MB minimal graphic card. :sure:
Microsoft, sucks, but yet I love it to death.:love:
Plus the file system will be based off of SQL. It’ll be a strange breed. The visuals of it are far from carved in stone though. Some people like the new direction, others not so much. And I dont see where its wanting to be os x so badly
[size=1](and yes, m$ sucks :**)[/size]
oh come one Sen … just check out the orriginal prototype pictures … those icons, that desktop - it screams Mac OS-X!
say mac users
*Originally posted by senocular *
**Plus the file system will be based off of SQL. It’ll be a strange breed. The visuals of it are far from carved in stone though. Some people like the new direction, others not so much. And I dont see where its wanting to be os x so badly
[size=1](and yes, m$ sucks :**)[/size] **
they can work as hard as they want on interface, but i’m still going to use the old Windows 2000 style/theme.
thor i dont even go to that, i use a custom skin :thumb: and yeah i can see it tryin to be an osx but eh, never will :beam:
ahmeds friend had long horn, a beta. you really can find anyting on kazaa :thumb:
a person from the computer store i worked at snagged a copy of longhorn for me…i haven’t even thought about it until i saw this thread
i just installed it and am actually using it right now…honestly, in the alpha stage it looks like a skinned windows xp. won’t be able to really tell until it gets the new file system.
it does look like it has a different way of organizing files though…groups pictures, videos, and documents together kind of like a mac
roll on osx 10.3 (panther)…
The OS battle is heating up into a WAR. And I love it!! God bless competition.
10.3 is going to be so yummy, i cant wait