Spyware Barely Touches Firefox

link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/cmp/20060210/tc_cmp/179102616

Internet Explorer users can be as much as 21 times more likely to end up with a spyware-infected PC than people who go online with Mozilla’s Firefox browser, academic researchers from Microsoft’s backyard said in a recently published paper.

“We can’t say whether Firefox is a safer browser or not,” said Henry Levy, one of the two University of Washington professors who, along with a pair of graduate students, created Web crawlers to scour the Internet for spyware in several 2005 forays. “But we can say that users will have a safer experience [surfing] with Firefox.”…

Microsoft’s made a point to stress that Internet Explorer 7, which just went into open beta for
Windows XP, tightens up ActiveX controls by disabling nearly all those already installed. IE 7 then alerts the user and requires consent before it will run an in-place control…

an article worth reading.