hello guys!
i got this code:
Stage.scaleMode = “noscale”;
Stage.align = “C”;
var StageWidth:Number = 550;
var StageHeight:Number = 400;
function escalaFondo()
if (Stage.width > Stage.height) {
fondo._width = Stage.width;
fondo._yscale = fondo._xscale;
} else {
fondo._height = Stage.height;
fondo._xscale = fondo._yscale;
fondo._x = (StageWidth - fondo._width) / 2;
fondo._y = (StageHeight - fondo._height) / 2;
this.onResize = escalaFondo;
wich it works fine.
but now i wanna add a movieclip and i would like to positionate in the highest left corner…
how can i do it?
please help me!!!