[COLOR=black]Someday I want to have my own Design Company. Just like pretty much everyone here.[/COLOR][COLOR=black]However I would just like to chat with those of you who are in currently in the beginning stages so that I can get a little insight on how hard/easy it is to get clientele. [/COLOR]
Right now I get offers that would probably pay pretty decent, but who knows for how long. Working for a firm is WAY safe and you are guaranteed a paycheck each month. So I am super hesitant to leave. Right now I do a few jobs but it is hardly anything, just a little spending money.
So yeah I would really like to discuss the process from start to “doing pretty well.”
Now I know that starting any type of business is a huge leap of faith and it will take a lot of sacrifice and maybe getting kicked to the curb a few times. I just want to make sure I get back up and succeed after all that’s over.
I can’t really speak from experience because I’m still a fulltime student, so take this for what it’s worth.
There is a major risk involved in starting your own company. There is a pretty good chance you will fall flat on your face. But if you feel like that’s what you need to do, you owe it to yourself to at least give it a shot. If you’re not happy or satisfied working for a design company, you shouldn’t let the fear of failure prevent you from taking a shot at fulfilling your dreams.
It all depends on motivation, if you really have the drive to start your own business, do everything you can to make it happen. It won’t be easy, it won’t be safe, but hey, no risk no reward, right?
What kind of risks would be involved for one who is a high school student, living with parents (they cover living expenses) and starting a company where others their age would be taking up part time jobs?
Other than your ego, how else would you be affected if you fell flat on your face?
dont start your own business unless you dont have a firm clientele to begin with. first founding a business then starting to look for clints is really a commercial suicide in this field. anyway you want to invest a lot of time and effort into it if you really want to become a decent agency. but if we are talking about a smaller company still you need to have at least two clients before you begin. trust me on this one. anyway for younger people freelancing is the way to go if you want to make it on your own. build up from there. gather contacts, network et cetera.
when I was a freelancer I would have months of solid work…and then nothing
if you had your own company you’d have to stick these dry spells out
if you were a freelancer then taking a contract position for a few weeks/months could help
been a freelancer and started to start my own company (until I realised I didn’t really want to) and gotta say, a normal full-time permament job in a place where you’re happy and work on projects you enjoy make all the difference
been a freelancer and begin my own company (until I realised I didn’t want to) and gotta say that having a full-time permament position in a place where I get to work on the projects I want to and a place I learn is the best
find your dream full time job and go for it would be my advice
Start a company is a dream of a lot of people but i think that for start a company you should choose the right moment, that is the question, you just cant say ok i´ll start my own design company, lol.
Sometimes people that internet is so easy like that, “ok today im going to start my onw company”, lol , you have to make a lot of questions to yourself, so that you will realize if this is the right moment or not yet (or not never lol!!)
Im a student so this isnt experience as such its just what i know from others. You will need a good client base if you go freelance and a good portfolio, to get business you may need to “cold call” on local businesses, from what i know from helping other people is word of mouth and referals will really help, so be nice to all your clients.
It is hard to build up a client base when you have a full-time job at a firm and a full-time girlfriend. I can only do so much, but if I didn’t have my job I could take on the many offers I get.
mos def. i have yet to make a “cold call”. other people (friends/satisfied clients) do my marketing for me. you have to do ground work and build up a network. go to bars and talk bulls**t. that worked for me
Creative Arts magazine just did a write upon starting your own design co. It was a pretty good read. I would try to get that back issue (I think it was like last months). There are several variables to think about when starting a business. I would say have a job and start by doing freeelance on the side. Then slowly as you build momentum you can switch roles. It is a very obtainable goal. I am on the verge of opening a studio with a couple of guys so it is definately possible. Keep at it and dont get discouraged.