State oph the Union

err Dictatorship…cough umm…I’m AWESOME!

Ok, with our beloved Phil being gone, and some time has past. It is due season to let you all know that Kirupa is phunctioning without a hitch. Although the phorums haven’t been graced with his presence, we have managed to sustain ourselves.

Good work Kirupians!

Just know that our pheerless leader will return soon. So keep your posts up and smile ophten!

and remember…

it’s great being dictated!

Chieph Public Relations Ophicer

I never really though of Kirupa as a Union…ummm…

I propose a spam cut of 0.3% over the next 8 years.:stuck_out_tongue:

vetoed :stuck_out_tongue:


You know…Phil :slight_smile: He is the resident world dictator wanabe and spells all the words with “f” as “ph.” Search for Phil Jayhan and you’ll find a ton of posts by him.

Kirupa :thumb:

The guy who wrote the SEO turorial! That tut helped me a lot.

his "ph"s are really annoying.

you’re opinion is wrong

you should learn the difference between “you’re” and “your”

then you can talk to me.

dammit… i had your first and then i was like woo thats the wrong one… except it was the right cuz of contractions hi?

*Originally posted by pinx *
**his "ph"s are really annoying. **

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**you’re opinion is wrong **
Oh no, you have done it now!

*Originally posted by pinx *
**you should learn the difference between “you’re” and “your”

then you can talk to me. **
Now how did I know that was coming?

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**dammit… i had your first and then i was like woo thats the wrong one… except it was the right cuz of contractions hi? **
Mr. Roman Numerals is a nutcase. . . .



i want a case of nuts

Then jump off a building head first into a case. . . . .then you get a nut in a case, if you hit hard enough your brains will be in more than one piece and nut in a case will turn plural into nuts in a case! Of course this is just a theory. . . .


or just look down, haha

That is of course if he has them. . . . .well then we really wouldn’t be able to call it a he could we?

who says im a he:love:

yes i suppose you would have to take that into account.

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**who says im a he:love: **
At least he can admit it, denial is usually a mans worst flaw. I would know, I am one!

checks down

Yup, I’m a man!