Still same probem

hi i 've already posted a thread but the answers don’t seem very helpful

Now thats the problem: i’ve got a button (lets call him problem button) with 2 actions

  1. when you rollover the problembutton an animation starts (the problembutton is getting bigger and then again smaller). The animation stops when you roll out.

  2. when you click the problembutton he starts flashing(second animation).
    the problembutton stops flashing if you click the another button button.

the problem: when you click on the problembutton the flashing animation starts and stops when you click the next button.
but if you rollover the problembutton after you clicked him he starts the rollover animation ( hope you see the problem now. Then there are playing to animation on the same button at the same time)

what i want to do now is to disable the possiblility to start the rollover animation until the clickanimation is running.

hope someone can help.

how about you disable the button when click on it? then it will not have the rollover function again. When you click on other button, enable all button but the spesific you are clicking on it(disable it)
get my idea?
but i think there’s other better way.

ok and how can i disable it
i don’t think that there is a disable command in action script if else i’m to stupid to find it.
And what the f…k is going on i thought you guys are all professional, and then i get one reply where a guy tells me to disable the animation. ( oh wow, i never thought about to disable the rolloveranimation. I meant this ironically)
hope this provoking post animates someone to help me

Here’s a thread that will tell you how to turn your buttons on and off.

*Originally posted by budfox *
**ok and how can i disable it
i don’t think that there is a disable command in action script if else i’m to stupid to find it.
And what the f…k is going on i thought you guys are all professional, and then i get one reply where a guy tells me to disable the animation. ( oh wow, i never thought about to disable the rolloveranimation. I meant this ironically)
hope this provoking post animates someone to help me **

is there really a need for that?

You know, I didn’t even see that part of his/her post - Just read two lines. I think that will provoke me to remove my emoticon…

Budfox: you should read this:

One of the moderators just wrote it to explain in detail what this forum is for and how it had been abused.

actually i was giving some idea and hope it could help u since this similiar question has been posted before. I wish to help(altho Im not that good) like everybody helps me. Some of my threads that I post didn’t get reply either but I didn’t blame anyone. In fact it encourages me to find out more by searching this forum or others.