I have just reformatted my drive using “format c:” and installed XP Pro…
My problem is that when i start up it gets as far as the loading windows bar that zips across at the bottom of the screen and freezez there, all i get is a black screen.
When XP does start and i go to shut down it stops after the saving settings/shutting down screen.
I have tried installing it both from booting straight from the disk and doing a clean install and also loading win95 on first then upgrading, but same thing. Win 95 installs with no probs.
hm…it could be a plethora of things. you didn’t do a custom install did you? in other words, did you let windows completely handle the installation process?
also, this could mean bad hardware. check your cards, make sure they’re in snuggly fit, especially the PCI cards. check your processor to see if it overheats, if it does, then you’d need to apply thermal paste on the processor (don’t do it without finding out how). it could also just be faulty hardware.
This happened to me once with XP home after I formatted. What I had to do was go into windows, then turn it off by force (pulling plug or pressing off button). Then when you restart, it’ll go to the black screen and then you’ll get a white line across bottom. Then the white line loads something, and then about 15 minutes later (on a 2.0 ghz) Windows loads. So… Just manually shut down and then turn on and leave over-night and it should work.
Mine was still very slow though, so I reformatted again and it was fine.
while booting up your machine once it does the bios check press f8 until you go to the options screen it will have a bunch of option choose restore directory services or restore computer i dont remember quite well or you can try booting it up n safe mode so you can check if it has any bad hardware on your pc via hardware profile in the system ta its definitely a hardware error winxp doest lock up that and if it does its cause of faulty hardware
most times with this behavior, xp isn’t handling the video card
properly. Especially with older hardware. I know your pc is p3,
but that’s irrellevant to your MB and Vcard.
I have tried as Nali said (turn it off and back on) sometimes it works, sometimes not… After a browse of all the tech forums around i have come to the conclusion that one or more of the following is corrupt.
Master Boot Record
Partition Tables
Boot Sector
NTLDR file…
I will fdisk and reformat tonight and see what happens…
I have tried as Nali said (turn it off and back on) sometimes it works, sometimes not… After a browse of all the tech forums around i have come to the conclusion that one or more of the following is corrupt.
Master Boot Record
Partition Tables
Boot Sector
NTLDR file…
I will fdisk and reformat tonight and see what happens…
Thanks for the input peeps… **
In all of these cases fdisk wont help what you have to do is open up your pc look at your hd manufacturers website and get the low level format program the manufacturer has on the website this will take care of all your hd problems because fdisk and format dont reach the MBR of the HD
*Originally posted by mariofan *
**stoooopid xp pro…
very smart mac osx!!!
If smart means doing less and beign limited to the stuff you want to do for a higher price tag well then sure mac osx is very smart, smart indeed rotflmao
bsod??? winxp doesnt have those anymore oh and have you seen a mac go into kernel panic its the same as bsod lol so its really a matter or taste macs are sleek in design and look very purty and cost as much as a used car where a pc i can get for the cost of 2 videogame systems customize it the way i want and do whatever i want, play games did you hear that GAMES, rip dvds properly, actually have great cd burning apps not crappy toast, can upgrade for pennies hell you can install winxp on a 500mhz machine with 256 o ram try doing that with a older mac try running mac osx on a 333mhz crapintosh i mean macintosh lol oh and as for drivers older hardware dont work in mac osx we have a few machines here where i work all are macs :S and we cant use some printers on the older os systems o thats another thing if you want to run the latest programs you gotta have mac os9 or mac osx take photoshop for example you cannot use photoshop 7 with mac os8 but you could use photoshop on any pc that has win98 or better so you tell me which is best, i personally use all 3 platforms and it all comes down to personal likings because for security linux is the best as for able to do anything the pc beats the mac in all aspects as for the mac doing something the pc cant i still havent seen it happen, all in all macs are great looking computers and their performance is good dont get me wrong but i think it lacks too many features for the hefty price tag and it doesnt justify it, and that my friends is MHO i just hope we still be friends after this no hard feelings we just exchanging opinions
oh and macs exists because bill gates gave them money to go on otherwise they would be dead, right now theyre nearly non exixtant dont believe me look at the market and see that 90 or 95% of the market is pc based so there you have it if theyre as good as people say they are why arent they as succesfull as they should be??? oh btw im typing all this on a mac rotflmao
*Originally posted by grimdeath *
**oh and macs exists because bill gates gave them money to go on otherwise they would be dead, right now theyre nearly non exixtant dont believe me look at the market and see that 90 or 95% of the market is pc based so there you have it if theyre as good as people say they are why arent they as succesfull as they should be??? oh btw im typing all this on a mac rotflmao **
More people drive Hondas than Beemers. So what? Does that mean that BMW doesn’t make good cars. Dominant market share doesn’t mean crap.
And Windows only exists because Apple let them copy MacOS. When did Bill Gates ever give sympathy to anyone? Apple exists because they have a loyal customer base.